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Your handbells are precision-tuned, performance-quality instruments
that need and deserve the same type of loving care & maintenance
you probably already provide for your pianos, organs
and other musical performance instruments.

While most manufacturers design their instruments to be user serviceable,
few directors have the time to devote to anything more than immediate
pre-performance emergency repairs. Regular, routine maintenance,
parts replacement, adjustments, voicing and proper cleaning are all too often
perpetually postponed, or simply overlooked entirely.

Most handbells require their first Basic Servicing at the age of about 4 to 6 years. 
Thereafter, depending on usage, the servicing should be repeated every 1 to 3 years.

A thorough, professional Machine Cleaning and Polishing of the castings
should be done around once every 6 to 10 years.

Click on the type of bells you have for more detailed information:
  Why Choose The Bellman
Why, When, How
Planning & Budgeting
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A Word About Independence
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