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B A S I C    S E R V I C I N G    F O R    A M E R I C A N - M A D E    H A N D B E L L S

Description of Services: Functions of Services:

Thorough inspection of all components of all bells. Repair, adjustment and/or replacement labor for all worn, broken or missing parts (parts extra).

mechanical integrity
and functionality
of all bells.

Handbell Parts

Individual tension adjustment of all restraining springs to achieve a uniform playing response from
every bell in your set.

Ringers will be able to change bell assignments and "move around" within the set without having to adjust to a different "feel" with each new assignment, thus promoting confidence, performance competence and teamwork.

Individual voicing of each bell
to achieve even-blended timbre throughout the entire range
of your set.

In chordal passages, all notes of the chord will be heard equally. Scale-like patterns and chromatic runs will sound smooth and even with no notes "leaping out" at the audience and no tones overly muted.
Written service report of all work performed on all bells and electronic pitch analysis of "problem bells".
Pitch Analysis
Provides an ongoing record of parts replaced and service performed on your bells, and identifies pitch or quality defects that may be covered under your manufacturers warranty. (No tuning or warranty work is performed in our shop.)

M A C H I N E  C L E A N I N G  A N D  P O L I S H I N G  F O R
A M E R I C A N - M A D E  H A N D B E L L S

Old world craftsmanship combined with machine polishing equipment
restores your bells to their original high lustre jeweler's finish.

Disassembly of all bells, machine cleaning and polishing of all castings, inside and out.

Reassembly of bells and sealing of each bell in individual plastic wrapper.

Bell Case
All case interiors are vacuumed and where applicable, case exteriors will also be treated with protectant.

C O M B I N E D  S E R V I C I N G  F O R 
A M E R I C A N - M A D E  H A N D B E L L S

Whenever possible, the first servicing of your bells should include both
Basic Servicing
AND Machine Cleaning & Polishing.

For a personalized price quote on any of the above servicing options,
please email The Bellman from the contact page.


KORG is a registered trademark of Korg USA, Inc. and is not affiliated with The BELLMAN.


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